09.00 |
Bianca Truthe |
Ketten evolutionärer Prozessoren mit Random-Context-Filtern (Abstract, Folien) |
Norbert Hundeshagen |
On restarting transducers (Abstract, Folien) |
Phoebe Buckheister, Georg Zetzsche |
Recent advances on valence automata as a generalization of automata with storage (Abstract, Folien) |
Martin Kutrib, Andreas Malcher, Carlo Mereghetti,
Beatrice Palano, Matthias Wendlandt |
Input-driven queue automata (Abstract, Folien) |
10.40 |
Kaffeepause |
11.10 |
Sebastian Jakobi, Katja Meckel, Carlo Mereghetti,
Beatrice Palano |
Queue automata of constant length (Abstract, Folien) |
Markus Holzer, Sebastian Jakobi |
Nondeterministic biautomata and their descriptional complexity (Abstract, Folien) |
Dominik D. Freydenberger |
Deskriptive Pattern
und Ketten von Patternsprachen (Abstract, Folien) |
12.25 |
Mittagspause |
14.00 |
Markus Teichmann, Johannes Osterholzer |
Characterizing tree valuation languages by multioperator
weighted tree languages (Abstract, Folien) |
Johannes Osterholzer |
A pushdown machine for context-free tree translation (Abstract) |
Matthias Büchse, Tobias Denkinger, Heiko Vogler |
Construction of a bottom-up deterministic n-gram weighted
tree automaton (Abstract, Folien) |
Toni Dietze |
State-splitting for regular tree grammars (Abstract) |
15.40 |
Kaffeepause |
16.10 |
Jens-D. Doll |
Anforderungen an ein formales Esperanto (FE) (Abstract, Folien) |
Yvonne Meeres |
Formalism for the Usage of Natural Language (Abstract, Folien) |
Henning Fernau, Rudolf Freund, Sergiu Ivanov,
Marion Oswald, Markus L. Schmid, K.G. Subramanian |
Array insertion and deletion P systems (Abstract, Folien) |
Henning Fernau, Rudolf Freund, Markus L. Schmidt,
K.G. Subramanian, Petra Wiederhold |
Eine natürliche Membranhierarchie (Abstract, Folien) |
18.00 |
Fachgruppensitzung |
09.00 |
Markus Lohrey, Georg Zetzsche |
On Boolean closed full trios and rational Kripke frames (Abstract, Folien) |
Thomas Weidner |
Characterizing probabilistic ω-recognizability by MSO logic and regular expressions (Abstract, Folien) |
Manfred Droste, Doreen Götze |
The support of weighted unranked tree automata (Abstract, Folien) |
Achim Blumensath |
Recognisability for infinite trees (Abstract, Folien) |
10.40 |
Kaffeepause |
11.10 |
Jürgen Dassow, Florin Manea, Robert Mercaş, Mike Müller |
Inner palindromic closure (Abstract, Folien) |
Paweł Gawrychowski, Florin Manea, Dirk Nowotka |
Discovering hidden repetitions in words (Abstract, Folien) |
Peter Leupold |
Unavoidability of primitive and palindromic words (Abstract, Folien) |
Martin Kutrib, Andreas Malcher, Matthias Wendlandt |
Size of unary one-way multi-head finite automata (Abstract, Folien) |